Medicine |
Medicine |
The underlying principal behind Dr. Jackson’s work is stewardship of natural healing. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. It is with deep appreciation of this fact that we aim to support our natural power to heal by regaining balance in the body, whenever possible by holistic means, where environmental or systemic imbalances have created illness. |
Global |
Integral Medicine, Ayurveda, Energy medicine, medical nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Holistic methodologies. |
Over 35 years in the profession |
Graduated from Oberlin College before completing her medical education at the University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine. Her studies included Psychiatry at the University of San Francisco, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute; Expanded her medica |
Singing and songwriting with her acapella blues group, “Gaye and the Wild Ruiz,” and her reggae, world-beat group, “Nubii.” |
“I am a professional focused on teaching healthcare providers.” Dr. Jackson adds that she wants to assist in revolutionizing the healthcare system by passing the ball to the patients and encouraging them to learn how to take better care of themselves on a daily basis.” |
Through the use of FHA (Foundation for the Healing Arts) and media, my goal is to educate the public on how to live a healthier, more productive life using foods, herbs, minerals, vitamins, supplements, and common sense. |