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Brain Sells works with companies to reinvent how they conceive of, and assess, the mind and mood of their relevant publics, in order to maximize the company’s return on investment. |
National |
Cognitive Anthropology Communication Culture Public Speaking Media Studies Conflict Resolution Impression Management Brand Development Strategic Planning |
Consultant, Public Diplomacy at US State Department |
Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience - Albert Einstein School of Medicine |
Book, NOT: What You Have To Remember And Have To Forget When Marketing To Anyone Dr. Deutsch has written and spoken widely on what one sees when casting a “primal eye” on modernity, including its rituals and mythologies. He has contributed articles on human nature, the cultural moment and marketing to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe and The National Geographic Magazine. |
His commentaries have appeared on ABC’s Nightline, Good Morning America, and on the PBS series, Rights Wrongs. He also lectures and is on the roster of the Washington Speakers’ Bureau as a keynote speech maker. |
Harry Frank Guggenheim Fellowship and a National Institute of Mental Health Post-Doctoral fellowship to study selected confined populations e.g. brain damaged, juvenile delinquents, and schizophrenics in order to describe the “primary core” of their communication practices. Concurrently, Rockefeller University supported his field research with chimpanzees, aimed at determining the existence of nonlinguistic forms of ritual and ritualized behavior. He has applied this research to analyzing audience reaction to cinema and TV. Dr. Deutsch then took a position at the Department of Psychiatry, Rutgers University Medical School, where he co-directed a joint degree program for medical residents in psychiatry and anthropology. Dr. Deutsch was invited by Nobel Laureate Konrad Lorenz to conduct cross-cultural inquiries under the auspices of the Max Planck Society of the Federal Republic of Germany. During his years with the Society, Dr. Deutsch traveled to various preliterate societies e.g., Eipo of New Guinea, Yanomamo of Venezuela, as well as Third World and industrialized nations, to study how leading ideas emerge in a culture. |
Always live life as a search narrative and help others -- people and corporations -- to do the same. |